Tuesday, July 28, 2009


When I first heard this song, the chorus struck a chord in my heart...
I remembered my first love...the last time we held hands was 10 years ago...
I first saw this MV when I went to the KTV with a friend...
I remembered my father...the last time I hugged him was 11 years ago, at his deathbed...


作詞:馬嵩惟 作曲:劉宜

你撐著雨傘 接我那次
已經足夠我 記得一輩子
我懂後來你 不是不堅持
愛情本來就 沒萬無一失

淚水離開了 你的手指
那不如讓它 留在這信紙
我想女孩子 最貼心的是
讓愛的人選 結束的方式

我最幸福的事 當過你的天使
趁鼻酸能掩飾 讓我們像當時 擁抱最後一次
最幸福的事 吹蠟燭時你總為我許願的手勢
為摯愛的人 在左邊心口保留位置 是最幸福的事

可惜愛不是 童話故事
不能夠永遠 依賴著王子
再難過其實 只剩兩個字
我怎麼忍心 為難你解釋

我最幸福的事 當過你的天使
趁鼻酸能掩飾 讓我們像當時 擁抱最後一次
最幸福的事 吹蠟燭時你總為我許願的手勢
為摯愛的人 在左邊心口保留位置 是最幸福的事

那一陣子有你 美得不像現實

我最幸福的事 牽著你的日子
一段愛從開始 即使分開我們 都對彼此誠實
最幸福的事 對那片海用力大喊永遠的樣子
想得起那時 那天和你傻笑著認識

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

This Is For All The Little "Grown-Ups"

When I first heard this song, it felt so true...for Michael. I couldn't remember when it was released, but I believe it was penned from his innermost feelings...his need to cry out to the people that he is just as normal as a human can be, but is a victim of his circumstance....

Many years have past since I last hear the song. Having taught for many years, I have come across so many children growing up without a proper childhood. Perhaps it's because of the school that I am teaching in. The kids so not have time for themselves.

All their days are filled with nothing but lessons...swimming, music, computer, school work.....the list goes on....dreams of their parents are imposed upon them and their tiny little shoulders hunched from the unimaginable weight of pleasing their parents whom they hardly see. Cash and toys and maids are their constant companion. Time meant nothing but activities that sapped them of their playtime...

Perhaps, if they hear this song, they might resonate with it and start questioning..."Have you seen my childhood?" ..............

Michael Jackson - Childhood
Written and Composed by Michael Jackson.
Produced by Michael Jackson.

Have you seen my Childhood?
I'm searching for the world that I come from
'Cause I've been looking around
In the lost and found of my heart...
No one understands me
They view it as such strange eccentricities...
'Cause I keep kidding around
Like a child, but pardon me...

People say I'm not okay
'Cause I love such elementary things...
It's been my fate to compensate,
for the Childhood
I've never known...

Have you seen my Childhood?
I'm searching for that wonder in my youth
Like pirates in adventurous dreams,
Of conquest and kings on the throne...

Before you judge me, try hard to love me,
Look within your heart then ask,
Have you seen my Childhood?

People say I'm strange that way
'Cause I love such elementary things,
It's been my fate to compensate,
for the Childhood I've never known...

Have you seen my Childhood?
I'm searching for that wonder in my youth
Like fantastical stories to share
The dreams I would dare, watch me fly...

Before you judge me, try hard to love me.
The painful youth I've had

Have you seen my Childhood....